UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

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UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program 2023-2024

UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program – Read full details below:

This syllabus sets out in broad terms the subjects to be studied during preparation for Registration in the General part of the Register maintained by the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board UNMEB.

The main aim of UNMEB Examination Syllabus is to prepare midwives to function as efficient members of the health team, beginning with the competencies for first level positions in all kinds of health care settings.

The Direct Midwifery Program Exam Syllabus has been designed to enable eligible candidates to address the health needs of the country, community, and individuals. They can also pursue advanced study and specialization in nursing while contributing to the health-based industry with patience, responsibility, and dedication.

According to the syllabus, candidates will start their examinations as decided by the UNMEB authorities, with the briefing of candidates across the country. As you can see, UNMEB Examination Syllabus for the Direct Midwifery Program  is essential to all final students of the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board. Check Out Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board Examination Timetable. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

How To Download UNMEB Examination Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program 2023-2024

You can visit and Access the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board Examination Syllabus  for for Direct Midwifery Program using a computer or mobile via the following link:





Year 1/ Semester 1 (DMD ) DM111: Anatomy &

physiology l and 1ST Aid

·        Terms used in Anatomy and Physiology

·        Human body organization

·        Atoms, molecules and compounds

·        Cell structure and function

·        Tissue structure and function

·        Blood and its composition

·        Cardiovascular system

·        Lymphatic system

·        Digestive system

·        Skeletal system

·        Muscular system

First aid

·        Principles of First Aid

·        Management of specific emergencies in first Aid (cardiac

arrest, severe burns, airway obstruction, hemorrhage, shock,
fits, animal/insect bites)

·        Personal protection during first aid

·        First aid in medical emergencies

·        Injuries and Trauma

·        Shock

DM 112:

Foundations of Nursing I & Sociology and Psychology

·        History of Nursing

·        Ethical Code of conduct for Nurses/midwives

·        Principles of professional ethics and etiquette

·        Patient’s rights

·        Nurses’ rights

·       Nursing and the law

·        Nursing standards and qualities of a nurse

·        General principles and rules of all nursing procedures

·        Hospital economy

·        Use of personal protective equipment

·        Routine and weekly cleaning of the ward

·        Isolation of infectious patients

·        Causes of infection

·        Medical Waste disposal and management

·        feeding of patients

·          bladder and bowel care


·          Passing a flatus tube

·        Taking measurements( height,weight,

·          Administration of enemata

·        Ward Report

·        Lifting/positioning a patient

·        Tepid sponging

·        General principles in patient care

·        Ethics in nursing care

·        Principles of Infection prevention and control

·        Body mechanics

·        Bed making

·        Vital observations

·        Bed bath

·        Oral care/mouth care

·        Care and treatment of pressure areas

Sociology and psychology
·      Definitions of terms used in Sociology

·      Human groups and their effects on man

·      Culture, beliefs and practices in relation to health and


·          Socialization

·          Social aspects of diseases

·          Social aspects of hospitalization

·         Urbanization and delivery of health services

·          Nurse-patient relationships

·         Concepts of Psychology

·         Psychological Development

·         Personality

·         Psychological aspects in nursing

·         Mental Defense Mechanisms

·          Stress and Stressors

·          Emotions

DM 113: Guidance, Counselling and Basic Computer Guidance and Counseling

·         Introduction to Guidance and Counselling

·         Counselling procedure and Techniques

·         Communication in guidance and counseling

·         Group counseling

·         Ethical codes in counselling

Basic Computer applications

·         Identify the different components of a computer

·         Produce work using common computer packages such as Microsoft office, Excel


·         Carry out correspondences using electronic mail

·         Use the internet as a research resource in conducting various nursing care processes

DM 114: Microbiology Personal and communal health Introduction to personal and communal health

·         Concepts of personal and communal health

·         Determinants of Health

·         Dimensions of Health

·         Introduction to personal hygiene

·         Cleanliness of skin and its appendages

·         Cleanliness of the inside of the body

·         Special groups in personal hygiene

·         Clothing and foot wear

·         Sanitation

·         Housing

·         Ventilation heating and lighting

·         Safe water supply

·         Food hygiene

·         Sanitation

·         Disease causation and prevention

·         Disease transmission cycle

·         Levels of disease prevention


·         Concepts of Microbiology

·         Classification and types of Microorganisms

·         Pathogenic microorganisms

·         Characteristics and mode of spread of disease causing Microorganisms

·         Pathological effects of microorganisms

·         Simple laboratory tests (blood grouping and specimen collection)

·      Immunity and body defense mechanisms

·         Infection prevention and control

Year 1/ Semester 2 (DMD) DM 121: Anatomy & Physiology II § The Respiratory system

§ The Urinary System

§ The Endocrine system

§ The Nervous system

§ Organs of Special Senses

§ The Reproductive system


DM 122: Foundations of nursing II ·         Nursing Process

·          Admission of a patient

·          Drug Administration

·          Pre and Post Operative care

·          Transfer patients

·          Wound dressing

·          Colostomy Care

·          Abdominis Parecentesis

·          Vulva Toilet /Swabbing

·          Oxygen Administration

·          Lumbar Puncture

·          Nasogastric tube feeding

·          Gastrostomy Feeding

·          Gastric Lavage

·          Catheterization

·          Tracheostomy Care

·          Care of patients on traction

·         orthopedic splints

·         Bandaging

·          Discharge of patients

·          Last Office

DM 123:

Pharmacology 1

Pharmacology 1

·         Terms used in Pharmacology

·         Sources and preparation of Medicines

·         Application of Pharmacology to Nursing and patient education

·           Legal aspects and national policies

·         Concepts of Essential Drugs and Rational Medicine use.

·         Classification of Medicines & Schedule of controlled substances

·         Pharmacokinetics & Pharmacodynamics

·           Prescriptions

·         Drug administration

DM124: Community Health ·         Introduction to Primary health care

·      Concepts of Primary Health Care

·      Principles, Pillars and components/ elements of Primary Health Care

·      Introduction to community based health care

·      Community participation


·      Community organization

·      Community Mobilization

·      Community empowerment

·      Community entry

·      Carry out community survey and assessment

·      Carry out Home visiting

·      Disease surveilance

·      School health

Year 2/ Semester 1 (DMD & DME EL) DM 211: Obstetric Anatomy Obstetric anatomy and Physiology

·         Introduction

·         Terminologies

·         Female Pelvis

·         Varieties of Pelvis

·         Pelvic assessment

·         Vulva

·         Pelvic floor muscles

·         Vagina

·         Cervix

·         Uterus

·         Uterine tubes

·         Ovaries

·         Breast

·         Gametogenesis

·         Menstruation Cycle

·         Fertilization

·         Embryology

·         Placenta at term (fetal sac, amniotic fluid, umbilical cord,

vernix caseosa, varieties of the placenta)

·         Fetal circulation

·         Fetal skull , Internal structures and Fetal scalp

·         Moulding

·         Significance of female urinary system in obstetrics

DM 212: Midwifery l ·      Introduction to Midwifery

·        Terminologies

·        Normal pregnancy ( Characteristics, Physiology ,minor


·      Antenatal care

·      Health education during Antenatal

·      Normal first stage of labour

·      (physiology and management, patograph. Vaginal

examination )

·      Normal second stage of labour


·        ( physiology and management, mechanism of labour, episiotomy)

·      Normal third stage of labour

·        (physiology and management, examination of placenta)

·      Normal puerperium

·      (physiology and management, minor disorders, postnatal clinic, postnatal exercises)

·         Domiciliary Care

DM 213: Gynecology I and Reproductive Health I ·      Gynaecology I

·      Structural abnormalities of the female genital tract

·      Menstruation disorders

·      Dysfunctional uterine bleeding

·      Menopause

·      Abortions

·      Ectopic Pregnancy

·      Hydatidiform mole


Reproductive Health I

·      Family planning

·      Safe motherhood

·      Post abortion care and Manual Vaccum Aspiration

·      Sexually transmitted infections

·      Syndromic treatment of STIs

DM214: Mental Health & Pharmacology II Pharmacology ll

·         Medicines used in midwifery

·         Medicines used in paediatrics

·         Specific anti-microbial agents

·         Medicines acting on specific body systems

·         Other therapeutics

Mental health

·      Concepts of mental health and mental illness

·      Classification of mental illnesses

·      Etiological factors of mental illness

·      General signs and symptoms of mental illnesses

·      Assessment of the mentally ill

·      Therapeutic modalities in psychiatry

·      Substance/alcohol abuse

·      Psychopharmacology / physical treatment

·      Psychological therapies

·      Psychiatric disorders related to maternal and child health

·      Psychiatric emergencies

·      Acute conversional dissociative disorders


Year 2/ Semester 2 (DMD, DME-EL) DM 221: Midwifery II Abnormal pregnancy

·         Medical disorders during pregnancy

ü  Anaemia during pregnancy

ü  Sickle cell Anaemia

ü  Renal diseases
ü  Essential Hypertension
ü  Diabetes Mellitus
ü  Asthma
ü  Epilepsy

·         Infections

ü  Malaria
ü  Tuberculosis
ü  Urinary Tract Infections
ü  HIV and PMTCT
ü  Respiratory Tract Infections

·         Hyperemesis gravidarum

·         Disorders of Amniotic fluid

·         Multiple Pregnancy

·         Intra uterine growth retardation

·         Intra uterine fetal death

·         Prolonged pregnancy and Post maturity

·         Rhesus Incompatibility

DM222: Paediatric Nursing I ·      Introduction to Paediatrics

·        Terminologies

·      Physiology of the new born

·      Immediate and routine care of the newborn

·      Characteristic features of a newborn

·      Routine care of the new born

·        Examination of the new born

·      Minor disorders of the new born

·      Child growth and development

·        Immunisation schedule

·      Cold Chain

·      Breastfeeding and Weaning

·      Asphyxia neonatorum

·      Low birth weight babies (Prematurity, Dysmature and Post mature)

·      Large (Big) for dates

·      Birth Injuries


DM 223: Gynaecology ll and Reproductive Health ll Gynaecology II

·      Pelvic Inflammatory Diseases

·      Fibroids

·      Vesico-Vaginal Fistula(VVF) and Recto-Vaginal fistula (RVF)

·      Genital cancers (Cervix, Uterus, and Ovaries)

·      Breast cancer

·      Uterine prolapse

·        Genital prolapse ( Rectocele and Cystocele)

·        Infertility

Reproductive Health II

·      Gender/sexual based violence

·      Domestic violence

·      Male involvement in RH

·         Integration of RH services

·      Adolescent reproductive health

DM 224: Tropical Medicine Tropical Diseases/communicable diseases

·      Introduction to communicable diseases

·      Diseases transmission cycle

·      Epidemiology of diseases

·      Measles

·      Malaria

·      Trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness)

·      Helminthic diseases (Intestinal worms)

·      Onchocerciasis (River blindness)

·      Schistosomiasis

·      Elephantiasis (Bancroftian Filariasis)

·      Dracunculosis (Guinea worm)

·      Typhoid Fever

·      Dysentery

·      Cholera

·      Brucellosis

·      Ebola

·      Yellow Fever

·      Mumps (Parotiditis)

·      Chicken Pox

·      Rabies

·      Hemorrhagic fevers

·      SARS, Anthrax, tetanus, Hepatitis

Year 3/ Semester 1 DM 311: Midwifery III Abnormal labour

·      Antepartum Heamorrhage

·      Pre- Eclampsia and Eclampsia (Preganancy Induced


(DMD, DME EL) Hypertension)

·      Cord Presentation and Cord Prolapse

·      Malpresentations

Unstable lie

·      Malposition

·         Abnormal Uterine Action

·         Trial of labour

·         Fetal distress

·         Maternal distress

·         Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion

·         Obstetric Operations ( Ceasarian section, Forceps, Vaccum

extraction, Sympysiotomy, Destructive Operations)
DM312: Applied Research and Teaching Methodology Applied Research

·         Introduction to research

·         Terminologies

·         Research Ethics

·         Purpose of studying research

·         Research techniques (Qualitative, quantitative and their approaches

·         Writing a research proposal and report

·         Formulation of research topics

·         Background of study

·         Literature review

·         Methodology

·         Conducting research

·         Data Analysis

·         Research report

·         Presentation of research findings


Teaching Methodology

·         Introduction to teaching methodology and Concept of education

·         Teaching and Learning process

·         Teaching learning method

·         Communication and Human relations

·         Teaching technology


·         Assessment and Evaluation.
DM 313: Palliative Palliative care

·         Principles of palliative care

·         Importance of Palliative care

·         Roles of palliative care

·         Attributes of palliative care

·         Preparation of the family to make important decisions

·      Concepts of hospice and palliative care

·      Pain management in palliative care

·      Palliative care emergencies

·      Management of common symptoms in Palliative care

·        Symptoms of terminally ill patients

·      Ethics of at the end of life and legal issues

·      Terminal care

·      Psychosocial support to terminally ill patients

Care Nursing
DM 314: Disaster Management, Occupational Health and Safety Disaster Management

·         Disaster

ü  Natural disaster.

ü  Man made disaster.

·         Disaster management.

ü  Roles played by each stakeholder as far as preparedness,            response and recovery and mitigation are concerned

ü  The stages of disaster management.

ü  Requirements for disaster preparedness.

·         Disaster prevention

ü  Natural prevention

ü  Artificial prevention

Occupational Health and Safety

·         Introduction to occupational health hazards

·         Types of occupational health hazards

·         Occupational health hazards in different work places

·         Work related injuries and Fatalities

·         Prevention and control of occupational health

hazards in work places

·         Psychosocial aspects of work: Job stress and

associated conditions

·         Healthcare waste management

·         Injection safety methods

·         Workers compensation Act


Year 3/ Semester 2 (DMD, DME EL) DM 321: Midwifery IV ·      Obstructed labour

·      Ruptured uterus

·      Post Partum Heamorrhage

·      Intra Partum Heamorrhage

·      Acute Inversion of the Uterus

·      Obstetrical Shock

·      Thrombo Embolic disorders (superficial vein thrombosis, Deep vein thrombosis, Amniotic Fluid Embolism, HELLP Syndrome, Pulmonary Embolism, DIC )

·      Vulval Heamatoma

Abnormal Puerperium

·         Breast Complications

·         Urinary Complications

·         Puerperal Pyrexia

·         Puerperal Sepsis

·         Psychological disorders

DM 322: Paediatrics ll ·      Heamorragic disease of the new born

·        Anaemia

·        Convulsions in the new Born

·      Congenital abnormalities (GIT, genito urinary, cardiovascular, CNS, musculo – skeletal)

·      Neonatal infections

ü  Ophthalmia Neonatorum

ü  Pemphigus Neonatorum

ü  Oral candidiasis

ü  Septicaemia

ü  Meningitis

ü  Tetanus

ü  Paronychia

ü  Urinary tract infection

ü  Pneumonia

ü  Gastro enteritis

ü  Malaria

·      Neonatal Jaundice

·        Nutrition

·      Assessment of nutritional status of children

·      Nutritional disorders in children

·        IMCI

DM 323: Health Services Management& Entrepreneurship ·         Concepts used in Health Service Management

·         Uganda Health Sector

·         Principles of Management

·         Basics of Health economics

·         Principles of Health Service Management


·         Human Resource Management

ü  Staffing and Staff development

ü  Delegation

ü  Staff Motivation

ü  Appraisal

ü  Team Building

ü  Conflict resolution

ü  Interpersonal Relationships

ü  Disciplinary Standards and decisions

ü  Quality Control Measures

ü  Meetings

ü  Records

·         Leadership in Healthcare delivery

·         Management roles in a health facility

·         Decision-making and critical thinking

·         Communication in health care

·         Customer care

·         Public relations in health service delivery

·         Management of health facility resources

·         Financial Management

ü  Budgeting

ü  Accountability

ü  Finance Records

ü  Management of Petty cash

ü  Sources of Funding

·         Management of Assets, Equipment and Supplies

ü  Inventory and Stock control

ü  Requisition Procedures

ü  Procurement

ü  Rational use of supplies

ü  Health centre asset maintenance

ü  Ground maintenance

·         Health Information management System

ü  Concept of HIMS

ü  Types of HIMS records

ü  Procedures in maintaining HIMS


·         Introduction to Entrepreneurship

·         Foundations of Entrepreneurship

·         Entrepreneurship skills

·         Setting up of a business ( market survey, costing, taxation,

customer care, Branding, marketing, quality service delivery)

UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

·         Process of Entrepreneurship development

·         Business Plan

·         Business opportunities

·         Entrepreneurship resources

·         Entrepreneurship and social responsibility

·         Success and Failure

·         Business sustainability and growth

·         Monitoring and Evaluating a business


1 The Board reserves the right to alter or cancel examinations. The Board may change the date, time or condition of the administration of the examination or cancel the administration of the examination to protect the safety of candidates and or THE INTEGRITY OF THE BOARD. Such alterations or cancellation may also occur if the examination is hindered by any cause that could not be reasonably prevented by the Board , including natural disasters such as fire , flood, earthquake, storm, outbreak of disease, or by acts of military insecurity: political or government authority. If any such event occurs, candidates shall be notified as soon as possible. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

This is in accordance to Regulations 20 of the Business, Technical, Vocational Education and Training (Establishment of the Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board (UNMEB)) Regulations, 2009.

2 For purposes of these rules, “Examination malpractice” shall mean any act, default or practice which is in breach of these rules or which compromises, attempts to compromise or may compromise the process of assessment, the integrity of the Board examinations and the validity of the certificates awarded.

3 In order to maintain its high standards, the Board shall not hesitate to take disciplinary action against any person, candidate or centre who may indulge in examination malpractice. Examination malpractice shall include the following:

(a) Smuggling or bringing foreign material into the examination room. Smuggling occurs when a candidate without permission takes into the examination room written information which is relevant or irrelevant to the examination
questions with intention to cheat in the examination. Smuggling includes but may not be limited to taking into the examination hall text books, note books, charts, written notes on pieces of paper and on palms, thighs, desks,
clip boards, handkerchiefs, shirts etc. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

(b) Leakage/prior knowledge of examination questions. This is the worst form of malpractice which occurs when candidates have prior knowledge of examination questions before they sit the examinations.

(c) Irregular activities inside or outside the examination halls (e.g Stealing scripts of other candidates, refusing to submit script, tearing part of answer booklet/question paper and causing disturbances during an examination.);

(d) Collusion or copying from one another. Collusion occurs when two or more candidates in an examination room secretly agree to assist each other to answer all or part of an examination question e.g candidates whispering or
talking or communicating in any other way to each other about an examination question, exchanging answer scripts, passing notes to each other to copy from, exposing their written work in such a position that another
candidate can read or copy from it.

(e) Impersonation. Impersonation occurs when a registered candidate hires or arranges for some other person to sit the examination on his/her behalf.

(g) External assistance. This usually happens when another person helps a candidate verbally, in writing or in any other way to answer all or part of an examination question. External assistance includes but is not limited to
dictation of answers to candidates, writing solutions to questions for candidates to copy, writing answers to all or part of a question in candidate’s answer scripts.

(h) Improper behavior. This includes causing disturbance in the examination room, disobedience, insulting or assaulting officials, using indecent language, shouting, jeering and any other behaviour that disrupts the smooth conduct of the examination.

(i) Substitution of examination scripts. This occurs when a candidate or some other person removes from the script envelope the work originally submitted by the candidate and replaces it with work done by another candidate or
another person inside or outside the examination room and during or after the examination.

(j) Failure to present the clinical record books. This occurs when a candidate’s clinical record books have not been handed over to the examiners within the prescribed time;

(k) Presenting incomplete or fraudulent record books. This is when the books which are presented are incomplete or they lack signatures, or the signatures thereon are forged and/or cannot be authenticated.

4. Any person appointed by the Board in any capacity to facilitate the conduct of the examination process, shall perform their responsibilities to the satisfaction of the Board and such a person, shall he held personally accountable for any damage or loss that may arise out their negligent actions. The Board reserves the right to terminate services of any such person on grounds of unsatisfactory performance or misconduct, and the Board may further pursue the offender in court of law, depending on the gravity of the malpractice.

5. The Board further reserves the rights to withhold release of results of the examination of any candidate or centre suspected of having been involved in examination malpractice pending completion of investigation and the final disposal of any consequent disciplinary or other proceedings.

6. In hearing cases of examination malpractice, the Board shall observe rules of natural justice and fairness. Before any sanction is communicated, the Board shall determine whether or not the alleged malpractice actually occurred. Evidence from all parties concerned like the Principal, overall Monitor, Coordinator, Invigilator and Examiners shall be gathered and an investigation report submitted to the Board by the person employed by the Board at the concerned Examination Centre. During the investigations all concerned parties shall be given the opportunity to be heard and shall be informed of the outcome of the investigations.

7. The Board may at its discretion apply any of the following sanctions and penalties against a candidate guilty of examination malpractice or breach of these rules depending on the gravity of the offence committed:

(a) A written warning regarding future examination sittings;
(b) Deduction of Marks;
(c) Disqualification from the Examination concerned;
(d) Disqualification from the whole of the examination series;
(e) Prohibition from entering one or more examinations of the Board for a set period of time
(f) Disqualify the candidate from taking the examination and cancel entire results.
(g) Police and/or other relevant authorities may be informed for further action and subsequent prosecution in Courts of Law.

8. For the following cases of malpractice, the Board shall execute the following
(a) External Assistance: Where any other person is found assisting a candidate, or in possession of examination material, that person shall be arrested and handed over to police for prosecution. A report shall be made to the
Executive Secretary UNMEB for action. The entire results of the candidate assisted shall be cancelled and such a candidate may not be allowed to sit for the other examinations. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

(b) Smuggling: Any candidate found with smuggled materials inside the examination room shall be required to write and sign a statement admitting that the materials were found with him/her. Such a candidate shall have his/her entire results cancelled. Any candidate who refuses to write and sign a statement or destroys evidence shall have his/her results cancelled. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

(c) Leakage: Any person found to have had prior knowledge of the examination papers or found buying or selling questions or what is purported to be questions for the examination, shall be arrested and taken to police for
prosecution. In case that person is a candidate, he/she shall be expelled from the examination room and refused to continue to sit any more examination papers. His/her entire results shall be cancelled and shall be barred from
sitting any future examinations for the next calendar year.

(d) Impersonation: Any candidate involved in hiring another person to sit examinations for her/him shall be arrested together with the impersonator and taken to police for prosecution. The Supervisor shall take a statement
from the impersonator for submission to the Board before handing him/her to the police. Such a candidate shall not be allowed to continue with examinations and shall be barred from sitting any subsequent examinations.

(e) Collusion and Copying: Any candidate found colluding or copying from one another person shall be required to write a statement accepting the malpractice. The entire results of such candidates shall be cancelled even
when they refuse to make a written statement. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

9. The Board may at its discretion apply any of the following sanctions and penalties against an examination centre where evidence of malpractice is found:

(a) Formal reprimand recorded
(b) The cohort of candidates concerned in the centre may be disqualified and/or all involved candidates recorded as failed;
(c) Centre registration may be withdrawn, suspended or cancelled;
(d) Ban on involvement with the administration of examination for a set period;
(e) Punishment to the Head of centre;
(f) Police and/or other relevant authorities may be informed for further action and subsequent prosecution in courts of law.

10. The Board may in addition to the above sanctions, decide to:

(a) Make a public declaration of the names of schools and/or candidates involved in malpractice
(b)withdrawal accreditation of an examination centre where malpractice or an irregularity has occurred
(c) Report the Head of such a centre and the invigilators to the relevant organs of the ministries for appropriate action. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

11. In all extreme cases, the Board shall seek the Minister’s approval before decisions are communicated. Regulations 9(3) and 21(2) of the Business, Technical, Vocational, Education and Training (Establishment of the Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board (UNMEB)) Regulations, 2009, provide that the Board may, with the prior approval of the Minister, delay, nullify, or withhold the examination results for a reasonable cause and the Board may also suspend or withdrawal an examination centre that fails to maintain the requirements, regulations and ethical standards of an accredited examination centre respectively. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program

12. In addition to the above and in accordance with Regulation 21(1), any person who-

(a) knowingly or negligently reveals the contents of any examination material to unauthorized persons, whether a candidate or not;
(b) with intent to fail or pass a candidate, alters the work, data, or information or scores of a candidate;
(c) willfully and maliciously damages examination material;
(d) with intent to impersonate, presents or attempts to present or herself in the place of an enrolled candidate;
(e) with intent to gain employment or admission, presents a forged certificate or diploma purported to have been issued by the Board;
(f) sells, buys, borrows, lends or steals certificates or diplomas issued by the Board with intent to impersonate;
(g) withholds any information which is prejudicial or likely to be prejudicial to the proper functioning of the Board;
Commits an offence and is liable, on conviction, to a fine not exceeding twenty currency points or imprisonment not exceeding one year or both. UNMEB Exam Syllabus for Direct Midwifery Program
13. A candidate who is aggrieved by the decision of the Board of examination conduct or results may appeal to the Board for reconsideration in accordance with Regulation
19. An appeal made by a candidate shall be by petition stating the facts and grounds of appeal. The Board may confirm, modify or reverse its decision and its decision shall be final.

For more information and inquiries, you can contact the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board UNMEB on:

Contact Address of Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board UNMEB

All correspondence to the Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examinations Board must be addressed to:


Location:  Plot 157 Ssebowa Road, Kiwatule, Nakawa division,

Kampala –Uganda (East Africa).

P.O. Box 3513, Kampala (Uganda).

See Also:

1.History of Unmeb

2.unmeb time table 2023

3.unmeb fees structure 2023

4.unmeb examined Courses

5. unmeb address

6. unmeb contacts

7. UNMEB Semester Examination Registration Form

8. UNMEB Promotional Examination Registration Form

9.  UNMEB Exam Syllabus

10. UNMEB Updates and Circulars

11. UNMEB Examination Results

12. UNMEB Paper Names Per Semester

13. UNMEB Nursing and Midwifery Cadre Output

14. UNMEB Strategic Plan Activities

15. UNMEB Interview Date

16. UNMEB Interview Shortlisted Candidates

17. UNMEB Interview Questions and Answers

18. are unmeb results 2020 out

19. unmeb registration form

20. NMEB Registration Deadline

21. UNMEB Online Application form

22. UNMEB Registration Requirements

23. UNMEB News Letter

24. UNMEB NSIN Application Form

25. UNMEB NSIN Application Deadline

26. UNMEB NSIN Online Application

27. UNMEB Aptitude Test

28. UNMEB Aptitude Shortlisted Candidates

29. UNMEB Aptitude Test Questions and Answers

30. UNMEB Aptitude Test Date

31. UNMEB Examiners Admission List 

32. UNMEB Examiners Admission Letter

33. UNMEB Jobs Opportunities

Quick links:

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Mbarara University of Science and Technology Application Form 2023-2024

Muni University Application Form 2023-2024

Soroti University Application Form 2023-2024

Uganda Management Institute Application Form 2023-2024


Africa Renewal University Application Form 2023-2024

African Bible University Application Form 2023-2024

African Rural University Application Form 2023-2024

Aga Khan University Application Form 2023-2024

All Saints University Application Form 2023-2024

Ankole Western University Application Form 2023-2024

Bishop Barham University College Application Form 2023-2024

Bishop Stuart University Application Form 2023-2024

Bugema University Application Form 2023-2024

Cavendish University Uganda Application Form 2023-2024

Clarke International University Application Form 2023-2024

Great Lakes Regional University Application Form 2023-2024

International University of East Africa Application Form 2023-2024

Islamic University in Uganda Application Form 2023-2024

Kampala International University Application Form 2023-2024

Kumi University Application Form 2023-2024

LivingStone International University Application Form 2023-2024


Muteesa I Royal University Application Form 2023-2024

Mountains of the Moon University Application Form 2023-2024

Ndejje University Application Form 2023-2024

Nkumba University Application Form 2023-2024

Nsaka University Application Form 2023-2024

St. Augustine International University Application Form 2023-2024

St. Lawrence University Application Form 2023-2024

Stafford University Uganda Application Form 2023-2024

Team University Uganda Application Form 2023-2024


Uganda Christian University Application Form 2023-2024

Uganda Martyrs University Application Form 2023-2024

University of Kisubi Application Form 2023-2024

Uganda Pentecostal University Application Form 2023-2024

University of the Sacred Heart Gulu Application Form 2023-2024

Uganda Technology and Management University Application Form 2023-2024

Victoria University Uganda Application Form 2023-2024

Virtual University of Uganda Application Form 2023-2024

Ibanda University Application Form 2023-2024

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Application Form 2023-2024

ISBAT University Application Form 2023-2024.


Admissions For Public Universities In Uganda

Busitema University Admissions

Gulu University Admissions

Kabale University Admissions

Kyambogo University Admissions

Lira University Admissions

Makerere University Admissions

Mbarara University of Science and Technology Admissions

Muni University Admissions

Soroti University Admissions

Uganda Management Institute Admissions

Admission For Private Universities In Uganda

Africa Renewal University Admissions

African Bible University Admissions

African Rural University Admissions

Aga Khan University Admissions

All Saints University Admissions

Ankole Western University Admissions

Bishop Barham University College Admissions

Bishop Stuart University Admissions

Bugema University Admissions

Busoga University Admissions

Cavendish University Uganda Admissions

Admission For Private Universities In Uganda

Clarke International University Admissions

Great Lakes Regional University Admissions

International Health Sciences University Admissions

International University of East Africa Admissions

Islamic Call University College Admissions

Islamic University in Uganda Admissions

Kampala International University Admissions

Kampala University Admissions

Kayiwa International University Admissions

King Ceasor University Admissions

Kisubi Brothers University College Admissions

Kumi University Admissions

LivingStone International University Admissions

Muteesa I Royal University Admissions

Mountains of the Moon University Admissions

Ndejje University Admissions

Nkumba University Admissions

Nile University Uganda Admissions

Admission For Private Universities In Uganda

Nsaka University Admissions

St Augustine International University Admissions

St Lawrence University Uganda Admissions

Stafford University Uganda Admissions

Team University Uganda Admissions

Uganda Christian University Admissions

Uganda Martyrs University Admissions

University of Kisubi Admissions.

Uganda Pentecostal University Admissions

University of the Sacred Heart Gulu Admissions

Uganda Technology and Management University Admissions

Victoria University Uganda Admissions

Virtual University of Uganda Admissions

Ibanda University Admissions

ISBAT University Admissions


Busitema University Online Application 2023-2024

Gulu University Online Application 2023-2024

Kabale University Online Application 2023-2024

Kyambogo University Online Application 2023-2024

Lira University Online Application 2023-2024

Makerere University Online Application 2023-2024

Mbarara University of Science and Technology Online Application 2023-2024

Muni University Online Application 2023-2024

Soroti University Online Application 2023-2024

Uganda Management Institute Online Application 2023-2024


Africa Renewal University Online Application 2023-2024

African Bible University Online Application 2023-2024

African Rural University Online Application 2023-2024

Aga Khan University Online Application 2023-2024

All Saints University Online Application 2023-2024

Ankole Western University Online Application 2023-2024

Bishop Barham University College Online Application 2023-2024

Bishop Stuart University Online Application 2023-2024

Bugema University Online Application 2023-2024

Busoga University Online Application 2023-2024

Cavendish University Uganda Online Application 2023-2024

Clarke International University Online Application 2023-2024

Great Lakes Regional University Online Application 2023-2024

International Health Sciences University Online Application 2023-2024

International University of East Africa Online Application 2023-2024

Islamic University in Uganda Online Application 2023-2024

Kampala International University Online Application 2023-2024

Kampala University Online Application 2023-2024

Kumi University Online Application 2023-2024

LivingStone International University Online Application 2023-2024

Muteesa I Royal University Online Application 2023-2024

Mountains of the Moon University Online Application 2023-2024

Ndejje University Online Application 2023-2024

Nkumba University Online Application 2023-2024

Nsaka University Online Application 2023-2024

St. Augustine International University Online Application 2023-2024

St. Lawrence University Online Application 2023-2024

Stafford University Uganda Online Application 2023-2024

Team University Uganda Online Application 2023-2024

Uganda Christian University Online Application 2023-2024

Uganda Martyrs University Online Application 2023-2024

University of Kisubi Online Application 2023-2024

Uganda Pentecostal University Online Application 2023-2024

University of the Sacred Heart Gulu Online Application 2023-2024

Uganda Technology and Management University Online Application 2023-2024

Victoria University Uganda Online Application 2023-2024

Virtual University of Uganda Online Application 2023-2024

Ibanda University Online Application 2023-2024

Limkokwing University of Creative Technology Online Application 2023-2024

ISBAT University Online Application 2023-2024

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